How does asking your body help your health?

What happens in a Touch for Health® session?

My clients ask me what a Touch for Health® session is, and how it can help them. It’s one of my favorite modalities, but because it works in so many ways, I sometimes struggle to explain it.

It is one of the most widely used muscle feedback / manual muscle testing systems in the world. By applying gentle pressure to specific muscles we can assess the body’s energy flow and find imbalances. We are asking the body where the issues are! Our body, mind, emotions and spirit are connected and what affects one, affects the others. An imbalance in the mind impacts the body; an imbalance in emotions affects our mind, body and spirit!

One of my favorite examples in how Touch for Health can help is Laura. Her goal was to reduce her sweet tooth; every time she went to the grocery store, her first stop would be the cookie aisle. Goals should be positively worded, and her goal phrase ended up being “I eat healthy foods that support me”. We manually muscle tested specific muscles, identifying imbalances in her physical, mental and emotional bodies related specifically to that goal, and then we corrected those imbalances. She told me much later that she was able to walk down the cookie aisle without buying anything, and didn’t have any cravings for sweets for almost three months!

Combining both Eastern and Western medicine methodologies, gentle techniques are used to re-establish blocked energy flows. These can include acupressure, meridian tracing, neurolymphatic reflex massage, neurovascular point stimulation and more.

Touch for Health® helps to relieve pain and balance posture; balance emotions; improve muscle function; promote peak performance physically and mentally; support better nutrition; release mental, emotional, physical and energetic blocks; increase vitality; boost energy; clarify goals and help us achieve those goals more easily. It offers many ways of releasing trauma and stuck emotions so you can get on with your life.

Your body, your inner healer, knows what it needs to release and heal, far better than any practitioner. You may have a sore muscle, but your inner healer knows that in order to support that sore muscle, an emotion needs to be released first, or a disconnect between the body/brain/mind needs to be corrected first.

The founder of Touch for Health says: “Touch for Health empowers individuals to be productive in their own wellness without replacing any branch of health care”. Touch for Health, The Complete Edition by John Thie, DC and Matthew Thie, M.Ed

Every session is different, because we literally ask your body what it needs. Interested in learning how Touch for Health can help you? Book your session here, 60, 90 or 120 minutes